Sunday, September 6, 2009

the week in a nutshell

so many things has happened this week. and i dont know where to start putting down into words all the activities i did and what went by in this tiny corner of mine (weee!)

so in a nutshell, these are some of what i've been up to the past days:

:: experienced the traditional Thai massage for the first time ever! (do the one without oil, feels so good, i slept for about 12hours straight as soon as i got home)

:: enrolled in a Mandarin Chinese Language Course (been wanting to study the language for like, the longest time, and finally--i did it!)

:: was awake for 24 hours straight, and spent the whole day (and night) in good company, and had a few hours to enjoy the solitude and the sound of the waves while watching the stars and daydreaming (or is it nightdreaming?)

:: bought my first ever flat closed shoes (those ballerina flats-type) for my chinese class. unfortunately there is such a thing as dress code, so we have to wear closed shoes (huhu!)

:: got blisters because of the shoes (my feet has been shoe-free for almost four years now, that's why!)

:: got myself a pedi and some hot pink toes! yipee!!

:: I am tapping my inner geek and having so much fun rediscovering that side of me (ha!)

:: spent LOTS of quality time with my someone (lots and lots of it!)

:: going on foodtrips!

:: FINALLY. FINALLY ate at that asian fusion eatery i was craving for since last last week

:: bought two white tees that surprisingly fit me very well (as if its tailor-made for me!)--and the best part? got it on sale :)

:: made lots of new friends (and classmates!)

:: is inspired by humble, hardowrking people (schoolmates--they are in a welding class), and vowed to always do 200% in everything i do

:: finally, I had the time to just spend the whole day at home, alone, just lying in bed and doing absolutely nothing (i miss this!)

:: I am currently fidgeting in my seat right now because i would be welcoming a new niece who is expected to make its debut in this world from her mom's tummy as we "speak" (super blessing!)

:: I am finally able to surface and make this post (haha!)

have a good day/noon/afternoon/evening everyone! mmwah! :)


  1. Whoa.. thats a lot of news. I was wondering where you have been.. good to have you back .
    Dont disappear on me again dearie.

    Mandarin chinese language.. Amazing! I have always wanted to learn a new language too - something sweet and romantic.. maybe spanish or french. It is great that you are learning it.

    I hope your new niece is healthy and happy.. Babies are bundles of joy and love.

    Thai massage and pedi!! Pampering oneself always has good rewards I am sure. Love the hot pink. looks sexy.

    Keep writing my friend..

  2. love a fresh pedi - do you have dashing divas nearby? they're my fave. but their shop got blown up in greenbelt and so now i have to go to rockwell. sigh.

    and i love that you live in a climate where you haven't worn closed-toe shoes in 4 years. i wish i could say the same.

  3. @rohini--really tired and busy this past few days that as soon as i get home i go to bed sometimes without even bothering to change! (sigh). i had the thai massage by accident :) i was only going for a foot massage, but i guess the therapist didnt hear me, she proceeded with the body massage and surprisingly it was amazing! haha! and yep, she is a little beauty. cant wait to play with her. :)

  4. @julochka--weow!! i dont even know we have dashing divas in the country :) and i'll keep that in mind, if i go to manila i'll stop by rockwell. hehe. oh yes, my slippers--they are my "uniform" if you could call it that. hehe. we only have wet (rainy) and dry season here though. :)
    ps: i cant read any of your blogs..huhu..i think my computer is acting up again *sigh*

  5. There is a little something for you at my blog
    Hope you like it.

  6. @rohini--awww rohini thank you so much!!!..weee!!!! blessed can i get in a day..weee!!!!..yay!!!!
