Sunday, September 20, 2009

chinese and menu

been so busy lately (maybe its all in my mind that im busy? haha), but seriously, the chinese class has been taking an unbelievably huge chunk of my time. the classes are only for four hours, yes, but we also have exams almost everyday. so i have to study, and sometimes i find myself thinking "what did i ever get myself into".

but im not complaining (maybe a bit?). i really want to learn, and right now my admiration for those who speak the language is growing by the minute (seriously). i mean, they have different meanings for every word for crying out loud--and it all depends on the tone on each word. so if you say in chinese "i look like my mom" but will say it with the wrong tone, you might end up saying "i look like my horse". embarrasing right? *sigh*

everyday i find myself missing posting on this blog, and thank god i finally have the time to do it right now after sleeping for almost 24hours (im exhausted, what can i say?).

maybe i'll finally be able to order food in chinese, huh? (and the waiter will then give me that "she's crazy" look because, well, im in the Philippines and im mumbling gibberish--to him atleast. haha)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

life's a beach

i was browsing through my friend's facebook photos and i stumbled on pictures of us "de-stressing" from work. one of those pics is the one above.

food (lots of it!), beer (i dont drink, its for their consumption), more food (wait, did i mention it earlier?), good company, cameras, high spirits and the whole day.

we went to the beach (our country is literally "dotted" with beaches). the sun is up, not so many people so we could frolick as much as we like without bumping into anyone, and the food--dont even get me started on the food. :)

the point is, the pics really got me all nostalgic and i really miss these guys. ever since i quit my job to concentrate on my "bigger aspirations" in life, we havent really seen each other as often as we would have wanted to.

which reminds me to remind myself (ms. short trem memory) tomorrow to text them so we could make another rendezvous to the beach again.
ps: im the one with the gray tank and shades on, beside me the guy without any shirt on is my someone, beside him is ploning, then diesah, lady, eric and sally. :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

bundle of joy

so as i mentioned in my last post, im expecting a niece to make its first appearance in this earth. i had to wait for a couple more days before she finally popped out. but the she is soooo worth the wait (arent all babies are?).
presenting to you all. (drumroll 5mins long). Queenie Marie! (clap clap clap..whistle whistle)
i cant help it, i put 5 pictures here. she's so cute and adorable and soft and hairy (in a good kind of hairy) and beautiful and tiny and quirky (those faces she makes when shes asleep are to die for to watch!) and cute (wait, i said it before, right?).
im going gaga over this baby. i havent done much these past days to tell you the truth, other than looking at her sleep.
i havent studied, or been to my usual haunts with my someone. i want to go home early so i can see Queenie.
i cant wait to have my own baby too. but that would be years from now. right now, im happy sharing the title of "mother" (the original being my cousin, of course) to Queenie.
im going to keep yakkiing about her for now, so you can all ogle at the cuteness that is Queenie. :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

the week in a nutshell

so many things has happened this week. and i dont know where to start putting down into words all the activities i did and what went by in this tiny corner of mine (weee!)

so in a nutshell, these are some of what i've been up to the past days:

:: experienced the traditional Thai massage for the first time ever! (do the one without oil, feels so good, i slept for about 12hours straight as soon as i got home)

:: enrolled in a Mandarin Chinese Language Course (been wanting to study the language for like, the longest time, and finally--i did it!)

:: was awake for 24 hours straight, and spent the whole day (and night) in good company, and had a few hours to enjoy the solitude and the sound of the waves while watching the stars and daydreaming (or is it nightdreaming?)

:: bought my first ever flat closed shoes (those ballerina flats-type) for my chinese class. unfortunately there is such a thing as dress code, so we have to wear closed shoes (huhu!)

:: got blisters because of the shoes (my feet has been shoe-free for almost four years now, that's why!)

:: got myself a pedi and some hot pink toes! yipee!!

:: I am tapping my inner geek and having so much fun rediscovering that side of me (ha!)

:: spent LOTS of quality time with my someone (lots and lots of it!)

:: going on foodtrips!

:: FINALLY. FINALLY ate at that asian fusion eatery i was craving for since last last week

:: bought two white tees that surprisingly fit me very well (as if its tailor-made for me!)--and the best part? got it on sale :)

:: made lots of new friends (and classmates!)

:: is inspired by humble, hardowrking people (schoolmates--they are in a welding class), and vowed to always do 200% in everything i do

:: finally, I had the time to just spend the whole day at home, alone, just lying in bed and doing absolutely nothing (i miss this!)

:: I am currently fidgeting in my seat right now because i would be welcoming a new niece who is expected to make its debut in this world from her mom's tummy as we "speak" (super blessing!)

:: I am finally able to surface and make this post (haha!)

have a good day/noon/afternoon/evening everyone! mmwah! :)